Encyclopédies Thomassian

Nous écrire

Mise à jour du 17 janvier





Couverture peinte de Reginald Ben Davis (signée R.B. Davis)
Frontispiece de Thomas Laidler (signé)
Contents (sommaire) de Valerie Gaskell
Aucune bande dessinée




Textes illustrés 

That Bounder, Cyril Bannister ! - Enid Boyten [Horace Eli Boyten] (ill. Valerie Gaskell)

The Mystery of the Music Room - Shirley Dene (ill. E.C. Julien)


Rhoda’s Pupil in the Rajah’s Palace - Denise Stanley (ill. Reginald Ben Davis)



The Disguise that Bluffed the Prefects - Evelyn Day [Eric Lyth Rosman] (ill. Thomas Laidler - signé)


The Stranded Co-Eds - Dorothy Page [Stewart Pride]

A Parrot, a Wreck - and a Riddle - Hazel Armitage [John W. Wheway]


Her Friend the Texan Outlaw - Renee Frazer [Ronald Fleming] (ill. E.C. Julien)


The Testing of the New Girl - Janet McKibbin [J. E. McKibbin]


That Amazing French Tutor - Rhoda Fleming [Ronald Fleming]


Rivals of the Pets House - Ida Melbourne [Eric Lyth Rosman] (ill. William Bryce-Hamilton)