Encyclopédies Thomassian
Couverture peinte de Reginald Ben Davis (signée R.B. Davis)
Frontispiece de Thomas Laidler (signé)
Contents (sommaire) de Valerie Gaskell
Aucune bande dessinée
Textes illustrés
That Bounder, Cyril Bannister ! - Enid Boyten [Horace Eli Boyten] (ill. Valerie Gaskell)
The Mystery of the Music Room - Shirley Dene (ill. E.C. Julien)
Rhoda’s Pupil in the Rajah’s Palace - Denise Stanley (ill. Reginald Ben Davis)
The Disguise that Bluffed the Prefects - Evelyn Day [Eric Lyth Rosman] (ill. Thomas Laidler - signé)
The Stranded Co-Eds - Dorothy Page [Stewart Pride]
A Parrot, a Wreck - and a Riddle - Hazel Armitage [John W. Wheway]
Her Friend the Texan Outlaw - Renee Frazer [Ronald Fleming] (ill. E.C. Julien)
The Testing of the New Girl - Janet McKibbin [J. E. McKibbin]
That Amazing French Tutor - Rhoda Fleming [Ronald Fleming]
Rivals of the Pets House - Ida Melbourne [Eric Lyth Rosman] (ill. William Bryce-Hamilton)