Encyclopédies Thomassian

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Mise à jour du 5 novembre




Couverture peinte signée JA (John Armstrong)
Frontispiece signé V. Denham
Page-titre signée V.M.D. (V. Denham)
Contents (sommaire) signé V. Denham


Textes illustrés :

The Form-Captain’s Surprising Namesake - Evelyn Day [Eric Lyth Rosman]


The Clue of the Missing Snapshot - Elise Probyn (ill. Valerie Gaskell)


Their Guide in Paris - Christine Landon


Trixie’s Diary - Ida Melbourne [Eric Lyth Rosman] (ill. Thomas Laidler - signé TL)


Vicky and the Shipwrecked Baby - Denise Kerry


Enemy of the Schoolgirl Actress - Mary Moore [Wilfred McNeilly]


Penny and the College Revellers - Rosemary Sutton


The Cave-Explorers’ Intriguing Task - Janet McKibbin [J. E. McKibbin]


Mystery at Monkley Manor - Judy Thomas [Reginald G. Thomas] (ill. Valerie Gaskell)


Loyal to Her Circus Friends - Doreen Gray


Molly and the Venetian Puzzle - Doris Graham [Doris Gravely]


The Schoolgirl Caravanners - Doreen Gray


The Four-Legged Film Star - Judith M. Berrisford [Clifford Lewis & Judith M. Lewis] (ill. FSM)



Bandes dessinées 

The secret of the Silver Locket – 9 pl. (John Armstrong)


Merril and the Mystery Skis – 8 pl.


Only Star Could Save Their Farm (Star the sheepdog) – 8 pl. (FSM)


The May Queen’s Strange Quest – 8 pl. couleurs (John Armstrong)


The Rival Ballet-Dancers of St. Mary’s – 8 pl.


Their Exciting Holiday in the Rockies – 8 pl.


Susie’s Letter-Box Ruse – 2 pl. (Cecil Orr)


Friends of the Vanished Princess – 8 pl. couleurs


Lolita of the Banana Plantation – 8 pl. (Bernard Greenbaum ?)


Isabel’s Turkish Adventure – 8 pl.