Encyclopédies Thomassian

Nous écrire

Mise à jour du 5 novembre





Couverture peinte
Page-titre signée V. Gaskell
Contents (sommaire) signé V.G. (Valerie Gaskell)



Textes illustrés :

The Threat to Their Christmas - Christine Landon (ill. Thomas Laidler - signé TL)


Kala and her Jungle Pets - Anne Gilmore [John W. Wheway]


Mimi the Peace-Maker - Ida Melbourne [Eric Lyth Rosman] (ill. Valerie Gaskell ?)


The Mystery Girl of the Circus - Heather Granger [John W. Wheway]


The Riddle of the Holiday Snapshots (Vicky Dare) - non crédité


Her Secret Ally at Moorland Hall - Sylvia Macrae [C. Eaton Fearn] (ill. E.C. Julien)


The Kiddies She Protected on Parrakeet Island - Pamela Davenham


Her Father Was an Outlaw - Renee Frazer [Ronald Fleming] (ill. Bernard Greenbaum ?)


Their Hooded Enemy at St. Kate’s - Judy Thomas [Reginald G. Thomas] (ill. William Bryce-Hamilton)


The Clue of the Seven Candlesticks - Enid Boyten [Horace Eli Boyten] (ill. E.C. Julien)


Loyal to the Sports Mistress - Jane Preston [Reginald G. Thomas]


Jingo and the Pup - Ida Melbourne [Eric Lyth Rosman]


Their Helper in the Scarlet Cloak - Enid Boyten [Horace Eli Boyten] (ill. Valerie Gaskell)



Bandes dessinées :

Sue’s Birthday of Surprises (The Fourth Form) – 8 pl. (Valerie Gaskell)


Rivals for the Silver Casket – 10 pl.


The Forbidden Celebration Feast (The Fourth Form) – 3 pl.


The Fourth Form Treasure Hunters – 9 pl. (FSM ?)


The Snowball S.O.S. That Brought Them Thrills – 8 pl.